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The Group 181 Blog. Ideas. Thoughts.Tips And Tricks. And More.
If You've Got The Time, We've Got The Hot Air
Have you wondered how you can utilize Linkedin even more? How about posts? When you post an interesting bit of news, your Linkedin family will see it. They will be gently reminded of you and what you offer. Some of […]
This week, I went to the Vistage All City Event in Orange County. What an amazing experience. Imagine 900 high-level, high-energy CEOs all assemble in one huge auditorium to expand their minds. This year, the topic was innovation. When I […]
We are often asked about our brand development strategies. It’s a great questions, since branding is a time-intensive, mission-critical endeavor. How do you know the right thing to do? It often begins with an intuitive gut feel. For instance, in […]
Consistency. Your company’s story. It’s message that can be consistently applied to all the avenues of communications. From television ad campaigns to your company website. From your company’s brochure to the way your sales people represent your company to the […]
Choosing the best advertising agency for your company can is not easy. Why? Because advertising agencies are professional persuaders. Our job is to convince you, the buyer, to choose a product, service or idea. Sometimes we have the hard data […]
Here’s how to come up with a great name for your company. Ask people who have done it. Like us. We’ve done it for many companies that we have launched. And we’ve done it for ourselves. We had just come […]
Creating a video of a testimonials is a great way to win over new customers and build a stronger SEO ranking. Our agency has found in increasing demand from our clients for video testimonials over the past few years. The […]
Etiam elementum placerat mi, vel feugiat massa egestas in. Pellentesque id quam eget dolor tincidunt tempor. Sed pulvinar tortor sit amet tortor venenatis ut molestie lacus convallis. Phasellus vulputate congue posuere. Sed a placerat justo. Sed lacinia nulla at purus […]
This is a great Ted talk by Simon Sinek.
“One Stop Shopping”
In this age of specialization, the type of service that we offer is becoming rare. Other agencies may claim they offer these capabilities, but do they truly have the experience to offer best-of-class services? We do. We take great pains to assemble highly trained, multi-disciplined teams, lead by experienced advertising pros.
Less Headaches. Less Roadblocks. Less Attitude
Recent Posts
- The Power Of Linkedin Personal Posts October 26, 2014
- Yes, You Can Lead A Horse To Water – The Vistage All City Event Orange County 2014 September 19, 2014
- How to Brand Your Company – Brand Development Strategies May 27, 2014
Group 181 is a full-service, strategic creative agency providing clients with 360 marketing, advertising, social media, graphic design, branding and interactive services.
This includes social media, SEO, SEM, website design, experiential, print and broadcast advertising campaigns. We also have extensive experience in printed catalogs, brochures, logos, websites, tradeshow graphics, infographics, You Tube videos, training videos and sales presentations.
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Contact Group 181
Schedule an appointment with Group 181 to determine how we can help you with your marketing needs. Please call or email us at these numbers:
- Tel949 229 0181
- Add501-102 Medford Ct
- Long Beach, CA 90803